The man I love

The man I love
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

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this gal loves traveling through life...anywhere and everywhere!

Travel should have been my middle name! It's probably my incurable curiosity that allows me to enjoy wherever I am. People often ask me which is my favorite place. I usually say it's wherever I am at the moment!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

one day left...

Well, our good friend and in this case, engineer, Jeff Duffield, did a heroic job of putting all 15 accompaniment tracks on a CD, sent it off by "good old US post" by express mail. He was assured that we would receive it on Tuesday by 10am. You'll never guess what! It did not come. What a surprise that is...the post office not delivering something on time......anyway, we called them and were told they would deliver it to us on Wednesday. Oh well, best laid plans, etc. They did NOT deliver it and we had to make a special trip back "down the mountain"...and believe me, this is a trek, to pick it up, at the Post Office. That got it back here just at dinnertime. Not that I need the practice (especially for these songs that I've never played before....and of course my husband the arranger has to write these awesome-sounding arrangements that one can't just pick up in a day!) Needless to say, I'm just a bit more stressed.....have been practicing for hours in between thinking of "just one more thing" that I need to pack. Weighed my suitcase and it's just a bit over 50 pounds, which makes me think I should leave something behind......but what? I'm already leaving Terry behind! Maybe it'll come to me in a dream tonight. Meanwhile, Lisa (Geeting) and I have touched base....I'm flying out of Atlanta into Charlotte, where we meet up and board our Lufthansa flight to Munich, changing planes into Bucharest, where we'll be met by Eugenia and Carla. I'm just hoping they'll remember to bring me Alex's curling iron! I have my own European hair dryer, but haven't purchased a curling iron yet. As my dad used to say, "what price beauty!"
As if I needed more stress, for some strange reason, as organized as I've always been, I have misplaced my frequent flier card and we went through all 4 desks and several boxes today looking for it. I've got every other card imaginable but not the one for USAir, who apparently "cooperates" with Lufthansa. Would you believe that late this evening I received one of those "fly somewhere with us" advertising emails from USAir that had my FF # on it??? Does God have a sense of humor? I think I singlehandedly provide Him with lots of laughs and head shakes every day!
Now I'm hoping that sleep will come...the last few days haven't netted me much rest, and so I'm praying that there will be several uninterrupted hours of good solid zzzzzs.
Just a thank you to all of you who have written such wonderful emails. One of our friends mentioned that she tried to leave a comment on the blog but wasn't able, so just emailed me instead. By whatever means, I'm always thrilled to hear that you are praying for me and will continue to do so.
We're going to stay somewhere in Atlanta tomorrow night.......I don't know where just yet because it's the eve of our 11th anniversary, so Terry has cooked up some kind of surprise. He's always so sweet that way, and I really hated to leave on that special day but it was the best fare, so we adjust and celebrate early..... 'course we celebrate the first of every thing we've done for each month we've been married. It's usually just something little, doesn't break the bank, but it sure is fun.
So, goodnight and pleasant dreams to us all.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip Jill ;=) !enjoy! Jaime.
