The man I love

The man I love
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

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this gal loves traveling through life...anywhere and everywhere!

Travel should have been my middle name! It's probably my incurable curiosity that allows me to enjoy wherever I am. People often ask me which is my favorite place. I usually say it's wherever I am at the moment!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

countdown to romania

One day closer...spent lots of time just cleaning up old emails, watering the potted plants and sweet hubby went to wash and vacuum the car! Boy did it need to be cleaned...don't know about you but I use the space in front of the passenger's seat as my personal office...frustrating to Terry when I drive, of course, as he has to find a place to "park" his legs and feet. Anyway, that's done. I guess whenever I plan to leave home, especially go out of the country, I become somewhat obsessed with "cleaning", whether it's the car, emails, closets, drawers, weeding the garden. Guess I don't want to leave anything unfinished. In that case, I should finish all the dark chocolate we have in the house as well! I'm getting more excited by the minute, and yesterday Terry finished writing my music out for me. I'll be taking about a dozen old familiar hymn arrangement accompaniment CDs to play at various venues on the trip. The last time we were in Romania and playing hymns at the churches, we were at first puzzled by the humming we heard, then realized it was the people humming along - in beautiful harmony, mind you - to our instrumental selections. Each time this happened, it was hard for us to hold back the tears, just knowing that we are going to share heaven with these wonderful brothers and sisters. So, I am very much looking forward to hearing that heavenly accompaniment to the songs I'm going to play. I'm also looking forward to seeing all my new friends as well...five of them are a great brass quintet we met who asked Terry for some arrangements...he has sent all the music for them to begin practicing, and they are so excited and grateful. Felix, I can't wait to hear you guys play! Also looking forward to meeting Eunice, Ligia's sister, with whom I've spoken on the phone...she was speechless when I told her I was coming, because she had been praying for someone to do music for the conference but it had to be someone with an instrument that could be carried in (not like a piano, harp, or maybe tuba?), so when Beni told her I was going to play my violin, it was a fun phone call. Ok, hubby's hungry...gotta go, but I'll be back!

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