The man I love

The man I love
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

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this gal loves traveling through life...anywhere and everywhere!

Travel should have been my middle name! It's probably my incurable curiosity that allows me to enjoy wherever I am. People often ask me which is my favorite place. I usually say it's wherever I am at the moment!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm going to Brazil!

Today was the long-awaited visa appointment, complete with not a few qualms about even receiving it. I've had several different experiences with consulates who "forgot" about the appointment or just decided they were not going to grant one that day. I've also been at the border of Czechoslovakia (years ago) and the border guards refused us entry...because they could. One might ask, "why did you wait until the day before you were leaving to do this?" And my answer would be because today was the first available appointment from the time I applied for the visa, 2 weeks ago. Since it's not possible to talk to a live person, one just applies online and takes the appointment given on the site. Besides that, the only time the application can be filled out is when you already have your travel date and tickets. I had been waiting on a few others whom I was hoping would travel with me. Don't know what I'd have done if anything had gone wrong, because the tickets were non-refundable. Thank you Lord that it all went off without a hitch.
I'm appreciative of all your prayers, because I was called early to the window, did not need every piece of paperwork that was requested on the website, and after a nice lunch date with Terry and wandering around the Phipps Plaza (a bit deserted), at 3:12 pm today I got the visa that will allow me to travel back and forth for the next 10 years. The 3:12 is significant because both Terry and I were raised in homes with addresses of 312. We're sentimental saps, so every cause for celebration is seized with enthusiasm. The dark chocolate Reeses peanut butter cups tasted extra good today!
We left Buckhead about 3:30-ish, and the drive home was easy and traffic-free. Oh yeah, since this week is "no toll" week, we breezed right through the toll gates both going and coming! Nice little extra serendipity.
Since I'm all packed...yes, really, down to my vitamins and Max-GXL...I can make a scrumptious dinner for my hubby and we can relax and enjoy our last evening together for the next 10 days.
I would appreciate prayers for more smooth journeys...flying out of Atlanta tomorrow afternoon with a couple hours in Miami, then on to Salvador...few minutes on the ground and finally to Recife. Drew (good friend for the last 20 years...helped me with the adoption of Caroline and Alan) will pick me up and we'll drive a couple hours to Joao Pessoa, my home base for the next 10 days. Lots of info to gather, pictures to take, details to iron out, and hopefully back in late October with a building crew.
More on that later, but if you know anyone who's ready for a mission trip, either alone, as a couple, or as a family, keep watching for more information. We're going back primarily to renovate and add on to a girls' home and another building, but we'll also need people to play with the kids too.
My mind is settled and peaceful, just like it always is when I know I'm doing something God has clearly laid on my heart. Everyone needs someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to. This week, I've got all three and feel extremely blessed.

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